Cobranded Formula 1 Widget
Want to get a custom copy of the Formula 1 Widget, cobranded with your own name or logo and translated to your own language? Easy as 1-2-3!
- Provide a 94x16 GIF image with your name or logo -- send it via e-mail to [email protected]
Sample image for the screenshot on the left: 
Make sure to include your contact information for future communication
- Let us know if you're interested in translating the widget to your language*
- Use the donate page to pay a €10.00 fee
Your own cobranded widget will arrive within a few days**
- Your own name or logo appears on the widget
- No advertising link at the bottom of the widget
- Display information in your own language
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you decide you're not 100% satisfied with your cobranded widget, you can request a full refund within 30 days after you received the widget code***
* The translation may become available to other users as well
** We will e-mail you the widget code to use on your website. The widget is similar to the one you can obtain from the
Website Formula 1 Widget page. The widget is cobranded, in that it contains the F1 Widget logo in addition to your own brand and clicking on the widget opens the website in a new window
*** Your cobranded widget will no longer work if you request a refund